
Top 5 Masterminds for Professionals Speakers

If you want to increase your impact as a speaker and are looking for a trusted peer group of professionals with whom you can problem solve while developing a stronger foundation of industry techniques and skills, a Mastermind group might be what you are looking for. 

Peer group problem solving session

Masterminds are curated communities organized by affinity groups who gather to collaborate, brainstorm, and share wins and challenges among a trusted group of colleagues.  They can be in person or virtual and while some may use a mastermind to close business deals, for many others, they are an effective way to network and form meaningful connections with like-minded people.  The professional insights and the career opportunities that result often keep members committed for years.

The quality of our network is intimately connected to our trajectory of success and while at first it may seem strange to pay to meet new people, the level of commitment and the calibre of people mastermind groups attract can be traced back to the buy-in of each member.  


Below, I’ve listed five of the most notable masterminds for professional speakers.  Each group suits different audiences. Some are hosted at their local chapters, while others are online. Whether you are a keynote speaker, about to give your first TEDx talk, or just want  to improve your effectiveness as a public speaker; the right mastermind for you is whichever suits your needs best. 

#1  The Business of Speaking Mastermind

Chantelle Adam’s is the powerhouse expert leading The Business of Speaking Mastermind.  Focussing on helping members speak on more stages, Chantelle helps you generate real income. She generously shares her proven methodology to help you get booked every month while also helping you turn your audience members into buyers so that you can make more money from your speaking engagements. 

#2 The Aspiring Speakers Mastermind Group

This exclusive mastermind focuses on the #1 hurdle for most speakers, fear.  In 8 weeks you will learn strategies to overcome your nervousness and exchange your timidity with dialogue that connects with your audience.

Harnessing the power of your personal story, you will learn how to craft a world-class speech giving you the ability to engage with your audience with confidence

#3 Mastermind for Life Coaches and Motivational Speakers

Svitlana has curated a community of Life Coaches and Motivational Speakers with the aim of connecting people who are in an industry where they primarily work alone.  Using strategies that foster collaboration and creativity this mastermind prioritizes unleashing the power of relationships to enhance professional growth while encouraging members to also give back to the community.  

#4  Speaking Success Mastermind

I had to put in a shameless plug for my own group 😉

International MC and Startup Coach Dan Ram hosts this energetic and innovative Mastermind. Topics range from strategies to helping introverts & extroverts deliver with confidence to learning how to empathize with your audience. You will walk away with techniques helping you dominate the stage while creating an unforgettable presentation experience.

“Speaking Success” is one of the few masterminds focusing on helping you finesse your message structure. With your new-found toolbox you will gain the tools you need to be seen as an authority every time you speak on stage.

#5  Speaker Mastermind Group

Bobby Umar runs an exclusive 9 week speaker mastermind and coaching program. He targets speakers who aspire to become world class in their delivery and efficacy.  Along with strategies to get paid as a speaker, Bobby also shares his proven social media strategies that will help you expand your brand. He guarantees you will be equipped with everything you need to know to become a highly successful .speaker in 9 weeks.

This list should help you jumpstart your search to find the Professional Speaking Mastermind that is right for you.  If you have any questions about what type of Mastermind you should join, feel free to send me a message and we can hop on a call to find something that best suits your needs. 

Follow Dan Ram for Daily doses of Inspiration:  @IamDanRam on InstagramTwitterLinkedIn and Youtube

Dan Ram ignites the stage as an in-person event and virtual event EMCEE & Speaker at over 100 events a year.  He has shared the stage with international luminaries including President Barack Obama, Sir Richard Branson, Reid Hoffman, Nico Rosberg, and Grammy-winning artists and celebrities.  Level up your communication skills through his course and mastermind  “Speaking Success”.  If  you want to make this the year that you master your personal brand, check out Dan’s Full Service Personal Branding Agency. His passion is to inspire people with his motto ‘Start Now Start Simple’ in building a future we all want to live in.

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